The use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy mediated by MC540 in the infected wound model

Shmigol TA1, Sobianin KA2, Prusak-Glotov MV1, Shchelykalina SP3, Nevezhin EV3, Yermolaeva SA4, Negrebetsky VV1
About authors

1 Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

2 Laboratory of Biological Research. Institute for Translational Medicine,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

3 Department of Medical Cybernetics and Informatics, Biomedical Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

4 Laboratory for the Ecology of Pathogens,
Gamaleya Federal Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow

Correspondence should be addressed: Tatiana Shmigol
Ostrovityanova 1, Moscow, 117997; moc.liamg@hsithsitat

About paper

Funding: this study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project ID 16-33-00970 mol_a).

Received: 2018-01-20 Accepted: 2018-03-23 Published online: 2018-04-28
Fig. 1. Microscopy of infected wounds of mice after PDT. Stain used: hematoxylin and eosin (А) Immature granulation tissue on day 4, ×150. (B) Vascular hyperemia and fluid accumulation around the capillary bed on day 4, ×350. (C) Blood in the muscle tissue on day 4, ×250. (D) Fragments of muscle tissue showing intracellular cell regeneration of day 7, ×450. (E) Epithelialization and scarring on day 14, ×150. (F) Hyalinized and calcified scar tissue on day 36, ×150
Table 1. Study design
Table 2. Bacterial contamination of the wound measured on different days of the experiment, CFU/ml
Table 3. Morphometry of wound matrix remodeling in BALB/c mice
Table 4. Rates of epithelial repair of infected wounds in BALB/c mice