Enabling technologies for the preparation of multifunctional “bullets” for nanomedicine

Martina K, Serpe L, Cavalli R, Cravotto G
About authors

Department of Drug Science & Technology,
Centre for Nanostructured Interfaces and Surfaces (NIS), University of Turin, Turin, Italy

Correspondence should be addressed to: Giancarlo Cravotto
Via P. Giuria 9, 10125 Turin, Italy; ti.otinu@ottovarc.olracnaig

About paper

Funding: The University of Turin is warmly acknowledged for their financial support (Ricerca Locale 2017).

Received: 2018-06-26 Accepted: 2018-08-30 Published online: 2018-12-30

Recent advances in nanotechnology, including modern enabling techniques that can improve synthetic preparation and drug formulations, have opened up new frontiers in nanomedicine with the development of nanoscale carriers and assemblies. The use of delivery platforms has attracted attention over the past decade as researchers shift their focus away from the development of new drug candidates, and toward new means with which to deliver therapeutic and/or diagnostic agents. This work will explore a transdisciplinary approach for the production of a number of nanomaterials, nanocomplexes and nanobubbles and their application in a variety of potential biological and theranostic protocols. Particular attention will be paid to nanobubbles, stimuli responsive nanoparticles and cyclodextrin grafted nanosystems produced under non-conventional conditions, such as microwave and ultrasound irradiation. Besides nanoparticles preparation, ultrasound can also act as an enabling technology when activating sensitive nanobubbles and nanoparticles.

Keywords: nanoparticles, nanobubbles, stimuli responsive, ultrasound, microwave