Modern aneurysm surgery: a pro-open surgery view

Dubovoy AV1, Bervitskiy AV1,2, Spallone A3
About authors

1 Federal Neurosurgical Center, Novosibirsk

2 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow

3 NCL-Neuromed Institute of Neurological Sciences, Rome, Italy

Correspondence should be addressed: Aldo Spallone
Via Patrica, 15, 00178, Rome, Italy; ti.amorlcn@1aireterges

Received: 2018-06-28 Accepted: 2018-09-21 Published online: 2018-12-31
Fig. 1. Decision-making algorithm based on aneurysm location. * — except cases of general contraindications to open surgery, or patient individual choice; ** — except cases of allergic reactions for contrast
Table 1. Demographic data of patients
Table 2. Aneurysms and treatment characteristics. Results