Genotypic characteristics of Bordetella pertussis, candidate strains for production of pertussis component of vaccines (statement I)

About authors

1 Gabrichevsky Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russia

2 Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

3 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Olga Yu. Borisova
Admirala Makarova, 10, 125212, Moscow, Russia; ur.liam@avosirobglo

About paper

Author contribution: Borisova OY — molecular genetic research, data analysis, literature analysis, manuscript authoring; Andrievskaya IY — molecular genetic research, data analysis, manuscript authoring; Pimenova AS, Gadua NT, Chagina IA, Alekseeva IA — microbiological research, manuscript authoring; Borisova AB, Kafarskaya LI — literature analysis, data analysis, manuscript authoring; Chaplin AV — bioinformatic and phylogenetic analysis, manuscript authoring.

Received: 2024-04-09 Accepted: 2024-04-24 Published online: 2024-04-30

Vaccination is an effective means of preventing pertussis infection. The purpose of this work was to improve vaccines available in the Russian Federation in general and actualize vaccine strains used for the production thereof in particular. We studied B. pertussis strains isolated in Moscow, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Ulyanovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, and eight production strains part of the adsorbed diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) vaccine. Multilocus antigenic sequence typing (MAST) and whole genome multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST) were used for genotyping. We studied cultural morphological, enzymatic, serological, and genotypic properties of the candidate B. pertussis strains, and compared their genotypic properties to those of B. pertussis vaccine strains from the current composition of the DPT vaccine. Candidate strains belong to four genotypes: ptxА1/ptxВ2/ptxС2/ptxР3/fim2-2/fim3-2/prn2, ptxА1/ptxВ2/ptxС2/ptxР3/fim2-2/fim3-2/prn9, ptxА1/ptxВ2/ptxС2/ptxР3/fim2-1/fim3-1/prn1 and ptxА1/ptxВ2/ptxС2/ptxР3/fim2-2/fim3-1/prn2. Current vaccine strains were from other six genotypes: ptxА2/ptxВ1/ptxС1/ptxР1/fim2-1/fim3-1/prn1, ptxА2/ptxВ2/ptxС1/ptxР2/fim2-1/fim3-1/prn1, ptxА4/ptxВ1/ptxС1/ptxР2/fim2-1/fim3-1/prn1, ptxА2/ptxВ2/ptxС1/ptxР1/fim2-1/fim3-1/prn1, ptxА4/ptxВ2/ptxС1/ptxР2/fim2-1/fim3-1/prn1 and ptxА1/ptxВ2/ptxС1/ptxР1/fim2-1/fim3-1/prn1. With the help of wgMLST, we established affiliation of all candidate strains of B. pertussis to ST2.

Keywords: genotyping, vaccines, Bordetella pertussis, multilocus antigenic sequence typing