Condition of the Middle Ear and Hearing Function in Patients with Congenital Cleft Lip and Palate in Different Periods of Childhood

Bogoroditskaya AV1,2, Sarafanova ME1, Radtsig EYu2, Prityko AG1
About authors

1 Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Care for Children with Craniofacial Malformations and Congenital Diseases of the Nervous System, Moscow, Russia

2 Department of Otolaryngology, Pediatric Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Alla Bogoroditskaya
ul. Aviatorov, d. 38, Moscow, Russia, 119620; ur.relbmar@anihuruhsalla

Received: 2014-10-21 Accepted: 2014-12-24 Published online: 2017-01-05

Cleft lip and palate (CLP) take 86.9 % of all congenital face malformations. Often the conductive hearing loss develops due to the otitis media with effusion in children with this pathology. There are not enough data about the state of the middle ear and hearing function in children with CLP in different periods of childhood. The aim of the study was to evaluate these indicators in children operated on for CLP in the first year of life in different periods of childhood. As a result of a comprehensive survey of 28 children it was found that the problem with the middle ear was preserved in that group of patients, despite the early stages of surgical treatment of the congenital malformation and the courses of the conservative therapy aimed at restoring the function of the auditory tube. It was made a conclusion about the necessity for the dynamic observation by a physician otolaryngologist of such patients in different periods of childhood, even in the absence of complaints from the middle ear and good results in the study of the state of the tympanic cavity and hearing at the time of another scheduled inspection.

Keywords: hearing loss, otitis media with effusion, childhood, cleft lip and palate, tympanometry, otoacustic emission