Current Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment of Exacerbation of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media in Children

About authors

Department of Otolaryngology, Pediatric Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Konstantin Baranov
4-y Dobryninskiy per., d. 1 k. 15, Moscow, Russia, 119049; ur.relbmar@tnatsnocxel

Received: 2014-11-21 Accepted: 2014-12-24 Published online: 2017-01-05

This article presents an analytical review of the literature data and clinical observations of the authors on the actual problem of exacerbations of chronic suppurative otitis media in children. Contemporary possibilities of early diagnosis of the disease with high precision using a digital otoscope and computed tomography of the temporal bones were discussed. A rational approach to the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the middle ear in terms of surgical technique was described. Presented methods of diagnosis and treatment allow not only to achieve the restoration of the affected anatomical structures of the middle ear, auditory function, but also to prevent otogenic complications in children.

Keywords: exacerbation of chronic suppurative otitis media, digital videootoscopy, computer tomography of the temporal bone, Intracranial complications