Stimulation of the Cyclooxygenase-Mediated Unsaturated Fatty Acids Oxidation in the Rabbit Leukocytes by Ultraviolet Irradiation

Anosov AK, Belakina NS
About authors

Department of General and Medical Biophysics,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Aleksandr Anosov
ul. Ostrovityanova, d. 1, Moscow, Russia, 117997; ur.liam@45vosonardnaskela

Received: 2015-11-11 Accepted: 2015-12-24 Published online: 2017-01-05

Therapeutically important cyclooxygenase-mediated unsaturated fatty acids oxidation stimulation in the isolated rabbit leukocytes during and after UV irradiation in the absence of Ca2+ in the incubation media was studied. It was shown that (1) photoinduced activation of the cyclooxygenase-dependent unsaturated fatty acids oxidation in the rabbit leukocytes is maximal after irradiation of the cells by UVC radiation in the dose 1,28 x 102 einstein/m2 with following incubation during 60 min at 37 °C; (2) photoinduced activation of the cyclooxygenase-dependent unsaturated fatty acids oxidation in the rabbit leukocytes is accompanied by inhibition of these cells chemiluminescence responses to forbol-12-miristate-13-acetate stimulation.

Keywords: UV radiation, leukocytes, cyclooxygenase, fatty acids oxidation, activation