Compilation of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing-b0 lineage sample and identifying predictors of immune dysfunction in source patients

Shur KV1, Umpeleva TV2, Bekker OB1, Maslov DA1, Zaychikova MV1, Vakhrusheva DV2, Danilenko VN1
About authors

1 Laboratory of Bacterial Genetics,
Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of RAS, Moscow

2 National Medical Research Center for Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Diseases
(branch of the Ural Research Institute for Phthisiopulmonology), Ekaterinburg

Correspondence should be addressed: Kirill V. Shur
Gubkina 3, Moscow, 119333; moc.liamg@llirikruhs

About paper

Funding: the study is part of the project No. RFMEFI61317X0068 "The role of region-specific polymorphisms of virulence genes in the development of drug resistance by Mycobacterium tuberculosis" run by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Received: 2018-06-02 Accepted: 2018-07-14 Published online: 2018-08-24
Table 1. Frequency of registration of clinical predictors of immune dysfunction in patients with compromised immune system
Table 2. Clinical forms of TB in patients participating in the study
Table 3. Phases of TB infection in patients that participated in our study
Table 4. Characteristics of peripheral blood of patients that participated in the study
Note: M — average, σ — standard deviation, CI — confidence interval.
Table 5. Biochemical indicators of blood of patients participating the study