Nanostructured photosensitizer based on a tetracationic derivative of bacteriochlorin for antibacterial photodynamic therapy

Meerovich GA1,2, Akhlyustina EV2, Tiganova IG3, Makarova EA4, Philipova NI3, Romanishkin ID1, Alekseeva NV3, Lukianets EA4, Romanova YuM3, Loschenov VB1
About authors

1 Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

2 Department of laser micro-, nano- and biotechnologies, Institute of engineering physics for biomedicine, National Research Nuclear University "MEPHI", Moscow

3 Laboratory of gene engineering of pathogenic microorganisms, N.F. Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow

4 Organic Intermediates and Dyes Institute, Moscow

Correspondеnce should be adressed: Gennady A. Meerovich
Vavilova, 38, Moscow, 119991;

Received: 2018-08-31 Accepted: 2018-09-27 Published online: 2018-12-31
Fig. 1. Dependence of 4% Kolliphor ELP 3-Py4BСHp4Br4 dispersion absorption on its concentration
Fig. 2. Normalized fluorescence spectra of 3-Py4BСHp4Br4 dispersions, various concentrations (spectra 1, 2 — 0.005 mM; spectra 3, 4 — 0.05 mM) and lengths of cuvettes (spectra 1, 3 — 1 mm; spectra 2, 4 — 10 mm)
Fig. 3. Dependence of integral fluorescence intensity of 3-Py4BСHp4Br4 aqueous compositions on their molar concentration: 1 — in water; 2 — in blood plasma
Table. 3-Py4BСHp4Br4 MBC values, standard conditions (incubation time 0.5 h, exposure dose 20 J/cm2)