Library preparation for metagenomic sequencing with Illumina

Krasnenko AYu1, Eliseev AYu2, Borisevich DI1, Tsukanov KYu1, Davydova AI1, Ilinsky VV1
About authors

1 Genotek Inc., Moscow

2 Moscow South-West High School No. 1543, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Anna Krasnenko
Nastavnicheskiy per. 17, str. 1, pod. 14, Moscow, 105120; moc.liamg@oknensarkanna

About paper

Acknowledgements: the authors thank Daria Plakhina and Ivan Stetsenok of Genotek for their help and Sergey Glagolev of Moscow South-West High School No. 1543 for his valuable advice and comments.

Contribution of the authors to this work: Krasnenko AYu, Eliseev AYu — analysis of literature, research planning and implementation, data analysis and interpretation; Borisevich DI, Tsukanov KYu — bioinformatic analysis; Davydova AI — drafting of a manuscript; Ilinsky VV — research planning, scientific advisor. All authors participated in editing of the manuscript.

Received: 2017-04-12 Accepted: 2017-04-24 Published online: 2017-05-31
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